Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The GOD Box

It was suggested today that I place this current "want" which, of course being an alcoholic, I think as a "need", into a detailed letter format a place it into a GOD BOX, which is basically a can or shoe box or something that you call your "GOD Box" and symbolically place your 'issues' within it as if letting them go and handing them over to God.

Good suggestion and I may go make a "God Can" to keep in my motor home where I can place these, what I call... Goals. Being an alcoholic, I've learned that we seem to be big failures at 'self discipline' and need God to discipline us. There is the part where we must take action and get off of our asses and do something. God's not going to slide cheeseburgers under my door while I sit my butt on the couch!

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