Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sick and Tired

I'm sick and tired of the drama around the hall, and most of all, the people that talk about the drama around the hall even when they're not AT the hall! Hey, what's up with this picture? Are we that insecure that all we have to do is hang around this corner on 90th and Aurora and have these big pissing contests of who's who and who's doing who and who's working who and who's not working? This is a lot of bullshit that has nothing to do with the AA program.

They say it all the time at meetings and the solution is the same...

Get a sponsor, get a homegroup, do the steps!

Not... Hang out at AA hall for the rest of your life like it's some bar room social hour, which turns into hour after hour. Notice the people that are doing something with their lives, they may stop by for a single meeting, then they go HOME!

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